October 11


What is a concussion?

Also called a MTBI (mild traumatic brain injury), a concussion is a brain injury caused by a blow to the head or violent shaking of the head and body. A concussion is a serious injury and can cause vomiting, dizziness, double or blurry vision, bothered by light or noise, feeling sluggish, and memory problems.


What is Being done to protect athletes?

The current helmets only protect against skull fractures. They do protect against skull fractures very well but they don’t dissipate energy. Which only leaves the brain to do that. It often ends in a concussion for that player because of this. But researchers at Michigan University were recently funded by a group including the NFL.


However, a new helmet called the Zero1 is number one in the NFL 2017 Helmet Laboratory Testing Results. VICIS is a Seattle based sports equipment company and the originator of the Zero1. In a statement they said that 25 of the 32 NFL teams bought the helmets before spring practice, the company also said that at least 20 NCAA teams will hopefully have them in this upcoming season. The Seattle Seahawks wide receiver, Doug Baldwin is also working with them. He says that participation in football as drastically declined for fear of concussions. Also the link to CTE that concussions have. The hope is that this new helmet will change all of that.


The Zero1 has 4 protective layers as opposed to the normal 3. The first layer deforms like a car bumper when hit. The second is a layer of pillars that bend and buckle on impact. The third layer is a thin hard shell to protect against skull fractures. The fourth layer conforms to the players head for comfort. Other helmets cost between 200-500 dollars. But the Zero1 costs $1500. The price is part of the reason that teams don’t buy them. They don’t have the money.


In conclusion concussions are very serious and have lifetime lasting effects. All helmets do today is prevent skull fractures. While they do this very well. Skull fractures are no longer the big issue. We need a new helmet that heavily reduces the impact of hits and reduces the number of concussions and still protects against skull fractures. Along the Zero1 by VICIS. But teams can’t afford them. But some organizations like Play 60 are looking for ways to get the helmets out to teams. Especially in Middle and High School teams.